perm filename COMP.M[AM,DBL] blob sn#660344 filedate 1982-05-24 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	From:  The Comprehensive Committee
C00004 00003	To:  The Chairman, Computer Science Department
C00005 ENDMK
From:  The Comprehensive Committee
To: First- and Second- Year PhD Students
Subject: Programming Project

The university requires  that applications for  candidacy be submitted  by
the end  of the  Spring quarter  of your  second year.   Our  departmental
requirements for  candidacy include  the submission  and acceptance  of  a
programming project by that time in your programme.

As some of  you were  under the  impression the  deadline was  the end  of
Summer quarter, we will make an exception this year.  Thos of you who will
not be finished  your project this  quarter should obtain  a form from  M.
Walker, to be signed by you and your programming project advisor,  listing
the title of your project and the estimated date of completion.

In future years we will adhere more  strictly to the deadline.  It is  our
belief that most of  you are capable of  carrying out this project  during
the summer before your second year, if  you desire to do it over a  summer

To reiterate, this is a university requirement, and each exception  causes
us to prepare a full petition and make a case for that postponement.
To:  The Chairman, Computer Science Department
Subject: Programming Project

The PhD student whose name appears  below has begun a programming  project
under my  supervision.  I  believe  it will  be  suitable to  satisfy  the
departmental  requirement.   Please  petition  the  university  to  permit
him/her a delay in filing for candidacy.

Title of Project:

Date of expected completion:

Student Name:  signed:


Faculty advisor: signed:
